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Passion is best expressed with a good book

I love books, have been an avid reader all my life, and the best thing is, I love almost every kind of book out there, so I know I will never run out of discovering that next great book. I am always available to proofread any interesting book, just for the pleasure of being able to read it.

Abolutely fast paced and thirlling.

The Children Who Time Lost - Marvin Amazon

Absolutely loved it. Kept me reading late into the night, and had to finish it the next day. I really liked the the plot and action kept moving forward, and you really couldn't guess exactly what was going to happen. It was a great book, and I have now found another author that I plan on reading more of his work.  This book was given to me to read and review, but it in no way altered my opinion of the great writing.